2nd Sea4All newsletter

Our 2nd email newsletter is now available! In this issue you’ll find the latest highlights from the project. Click here to download the newsletter in...

Final Conference, November 21st 2019, Heraklion

The Final Conference aimed to present all the final outcomes of the project in an integrated way in order to maximize the impact of the results achieved in the course of the project implementation and raise maximum awareness around the project, by organizing a major...

Romania: October 3, 2019 in Arad

To maximize impact the Multiplier Event was held at the School Inspectorate of Arad on the 3rd of October 2019 with 38 participants namely teachers, educators, school directors, governmental representatives in the area of education and environment, apart from the...

United Kingdom: 23 and 27 September 2019 in Cardiff

To maximize impact two Multiplier Event were held in the University of Cardiff on the 23rd and 27th of September 2019 with 21 participants in total, namely teachers, educators, school directors, governmental representatives in the area of education and environment, as...