The multiplier Event aimed to maximize the impact of the results achieved in the course of the project implementation. To maximize impact two Multiplier Events were held on two different parts of the island of Cyprus, in view of engaging more participants from different places and making the most of their presence. The 1st was held at Akrotiri Environmental Information and Education Centre, on Wednesday 4th of September 2019 and the second at Kavo Greko Environmental Information and Education Centre, on Thursday 5th of September 2019. Altogether both Events were attended by 40 participants namely teachers and educators. During the Event, the Sea4All project and its outcomes were presented along with the achievements. All outcomes and innovative tools (educational and electronic) were discussed and feedback collected.

Results and Feedback

The participants expressed their willingness to reinforce awareness-raising on marine pollution. They all agreed that marine pollution is a very critical issue and we need to educate the students towards the direction of marine protection. They showed their interest on the material and where very pleased since there is no other relative educational tool in Cyprus about marine pollution. Most of them said that they will use the activities and the e-game in their classroom. They stated that the material is easily understood and can be used in lots of different school lessons (history, geography, science, etc.).

Click here to download the agenda of the event.